Powerful product block 2

Display the tabs of the product list. In each tab, a big product is displayed beside the small products.

Open the existing section

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.

  2. Find the theme that you want to edit and click Customize.

  3. Click the Powerful product block 2 section.

Add a powerful product block 2 section to your home page

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.

  2. Find the theme that you want to edit and click Customize.

  3. Click Add section > Powerful product block 2 > Add.

  4. Use the settings to customize your Powerful product block 2 section.

  5. Click Save.



  • Enable: turn on/off the background.

  • Pick a color: choose a color to set the background color. If the background is empty, the background color will be displayed.

  • Background image: pick or upload your image to display it as the background image.

  • Background size: set the size of the background image.

  • Background style: set the style of the background image.

Section gutters

  • Enable top gutter: turn on/off the space distance on the top of the section.

  • Enable bottom gutter: turn on/off the space distance on the bottom of the section.

General settings

  • Heading: add the section title.

  • Subheading: add section subtitle.

  • Use lazy loading image: turn on/off the loading image by using the lazyload technique. Recommend turning on this setting.

  • Wide display: turn on/off displaying the section in the wider layout.

Add/Edit/Remove a tab item

Scroll down to the bottom, you will see an Add tab item button, click this button to add a new tab item. Or you can click one of the available tab items to edit/remove it and drag/drop items to rearrange them.

Settings in a tab item:

1. General settings:

  • Tab title: add your text to display it as a tab title. If there is only one tab item, the tab title will not be shown.

  • Layout style: set the layout to display a big product and small products. There are 3 values for this setting: layout 1, layout 2, and layout 3. Below are examples of each layout style.

2. Big product:

  • Pick a product: choose a product to display it as a big product.

  • Position: set the position. Left or right of small products.

  • Other product item settings: please refer to this guide for more details.

3. Small products:

  • 8 product pickers: pick products to display them as small products. Base on the chosen layout style, the number of small products will be shown.

Layout style

Shown Small products


from #1 to #4


from #1 to #6


from #1 to #8

  • Other product item settings: please refer to this guide for more details.

Last updated