Translate your store in multi languages, add the hierarchy collection tree on the collection pages, add the size chart, countdown, custom tabs, frequently bought products together for each product.
Go to to install the Boostheme Toolkit app. At there, enter your Shopify domain, just enter your domain name(not include ''), and your purchase code from Envato.
Then click the Install Now button. You will be redirected to the authentication page.
Please don't worry about the alert "Boostheme Toolkit isn’t listed on the Shopify App Store" because we don't publish this app on the Shopify app store. Only the customers who bought our themes can use this app.
Please note: You do not need to remove the Boostheme Toolkit app when you update or upgrade the theme. Our app will be updated automatically on the new theme. If you remove the Boostheme Toolkit app, all your data will be removed and you have to add data from the beginning.
Click the Install unlisted app button to complete the installation. After Installing, you can go to the manage products page, click a product you want to edit, then click More actions > Edit size chart, custom tabs, count down.
Or you can go to Apps > Boostheme Toolkit app. You will see a table of product list. Just click the product you want to edit. At there, you will also have 3 tabs with Size chart, countdown, custom tabs. We will explore this in the next section.
2. Install Shopify themes
If you haven't purchased the theme yet, you can use the Boostheme Toolkit app to install our themes with a trial mode. That will help you to experience our themes before deciding to buy.
From the Boostheme Toolkit app, click Install themes on the top menu.
Browse and click the Install button of the theme you want to install.
You will see a list of home styles of the theme you chose.
If you don't buy the theme yet, click the Try it free button of the home style you want to install the theme with a trial mode. Otherwise, you can add your purchase code to the Manage licenses page, then click the Install now button in each home style without the trial mode.
If you bought our themes, you should add your purchase code for installing themes without trial mode.
From the Boostheme Toolkit app, click Manage licenses on the top menu.
Then add your purchase code in the input field.
Then click the Activate button. After that, your purchase will appear in the Your activated licenses table below. That means you activated the license successfully. And you can click the Install theme button to install the Woodstock theme on your Shopify store.
4. Edit size chart
By default, all Shopify themes support showing the size chart on the product page. However, you can add different size charts for different products. The Boostheme toolkit app will help you to do that. On the edit size chart page, you can use the WYSIWYG editor to build your own size chart in table, list, HTML,...
Then click the Save button to save the size chart for the product. If you want to remove the size chart of the product, just click the Delete button.
5. Edit countdown timer
Click Countdown on the top menu to go to the edit countdown timer page.
Pick a date in the future from the calendar picker. Then click the Save button to save the countdown for the product. If you want to remove the countdown of the product, just click the Delete button.
6. Edit custom tabs
Boostheme Toolkit app also helps you to add the custom tabs for each product.
Drag & drop the tab item the list on the left to sort your tab list. Then Edit the tab title and tab content the right panel.
You can add a new tab by clicking the Add new tab button on the left.
You can click the trash icon in each tab item on the left to delete the tab item.
Then click the Save button to save the tab.
7. Frequently bought products together
Go to App > Boostheme Toolkit app, you will see a table of product list. Click the product you want to set up the frequently bought products together. Then click the Bought Products Together tab.
Tick the checkbox of the products you want to set up as frequently bought together for the current product. Then click the Save button to save the data.
8. Collection tree
Go to App > Boostheme Toolkit app, then click Collection Tree on the top menu. Just drag & drop collection items to edit your collection tree. Then click the Save button.
9. Multiple languages
You can choose the language to translate
To add new languages, click the Add new languages button, you will see the manage languages page from Shopify admin. Please refer to this article for more details.
A. Translate the product
Go to App > Boostheme Toolkit app, you will see a table of product list. Click the product you want to translate. Then click the Translations tab.
B. Translations page
Go to App > Boostheme Toolkit app, then click the Translations menu item.
At this page, you can translate the theme ( dynamic sections, theme settings, general texts, and checkout page ), collections, pages, blogs, articles, payment gateways, and shop ( meta title and meta description ).
B1. Translate the theme
You can translate dynamic sections, theme settings in the Online Store tab.
When you mouse out the input or press the Tab key, the translation input value will be saved automatically.
B2. Translate collections
You can translate collections in the Collections tab.
Then click a collection you want to translate. You will see the collection translation page.
At this page, you can translate the title, description, meta title, and meta description. Then click the Save button to save your translations.
B3. Translate static pages
You can translate pages in the Pages tab.
Then click a page you want to translate. You will see the details of the translation page.
At this page, you can translate the title, content, meta title, and meta description. Then click the Save button to save your translations.
B4. Translate blogs
You can translate blogs in the Blogs tab.
Then click a blog you want to translate. You will see the blog translation page.
At this page, you can translate the title, meta title, and meta description. Then click the Save button to save your translations.
B5. Translate articles
At the blog translation page, scroll to the bottom, you will see a list of articles which belong to the current blog.
Just click an article you want to translate. You will see the article's translation page.
At this page, you can translate the title, content, excerpt, meta title, and meta description. Then click the Save button to save your translations.
B6. Translate links
You can translate all links from the link lists on your site in the Links tab.
When you mouse out the input or press the Tab key, the translation input value will be saved automatically.
B7. Translate payment gateways names
You can translate the payment gateways name in the Payment Gateways tab.
When you mouse out the input or press the Tab key, the translation input value will be saved automatically.
B8. Translate Shop
You can translate the Shop meta title and meta description in the Shop tab.
When you mouse out the input or press the Tab key, the translation input value will be saved automatically.
Drag & drop collection items to edit the collection tree