Cross-sell ( recommendation ) products

Open Cross-sell products settings.

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.

  2. Find the theme that you want to edit and click Customize.

  3. In the left-hand toolbar, click Theme settings.

  4. Click Cross-sell products.

How are the cross-sell products loaded?

A. Automation

The algorithm that identifies cross-sell products is based on data about products that were purchased together and products with similar descriptions. It uses this data to provide a mix of those related products as recommendations for a given product.

In cases where purchase or product description data aren't available for a given product, products from a related collection are shown. The algorithm uses the collection in the URL from which the request to the API endpoint originated, and pulls other products from that collection. If the product doesn't have a collection URL, then the recommendation algorithm finds collections that include the product and pulls other products from those instead (excluding collections with handles “all” and “frontpage”).

The recommendation algorithm associates up to ten products per individual product, in order of relevance. For example, the first cross-sell product is more relevant than the tenth cross-sells product. Because of this, it's a good idea to show no more than four products per product page to promote only the most relevant recommendations.

Requirements and limitations

  • The types of product recommendations that appear are determined by your online store and your Shopify plan:

    • Purchase history and product descriptions: Plus plan and having <7000 products published in your Online Store, with an English storefront

    • Purchase history only: Plus plan and having <7000 products published in your Online Store, with a non-English storefront

    • Purchase history only: Non-Plus plan and having <7000 products published in your Online Store

    • Collections: Any plan with >7000 products published in your Online Store

  • The recommendation algorithm doesn't use orders that have been imported from another store or e-commerce platform to generate product recommendations.

  • Products that are out of stock, set to a price of 0, or gift cards aren't included in recommendations.

B. Manual

You can use the Boostheme Toolkit app to specify the products as recommendations for a given product. Please view more details here.

Product page

  • Enable: turn on/off the cross-sell products on the product page.

  • Pick a rule: specify to load the way to load the cross-sell products. There are 2 values: automation or manual.

    • The site will load the cross-sell products in a manual way first. If there are not found products, the site will load the cross-sell products in the automation way.

    • The site only loads the cross-sell products in a manual way. If there are not found products, the cross-sell block will be hidden.

  • Display as: choose the way to show the cross-sell products block. There are two values for this setting: Calculating widget, and Carousel slider.

  • Limit: adjust the number of products that will be shown.

Cart page

On the cart page, the cross-sell products are always shown as a carousel slider.

  • Limit: adjust the number of products that will be shown.

Only work if the cross-sell products are shown as a carousel slider on the product page or cart page. Please refer to this guide about these settings.

Last updated

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